The Walking Dead Laser Disc Curse
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The Walking Dead Laser Disc Curse
It's late evening at a major laser disc publisher in Southern California. A tired
worker slaves at his computer. His job is to sort through thousands of laser disc
titles with the grim task of removing those dead dogs that don't have a prayer of
making it to plastic again. Sadly, His boss has tampered with the database so many
titles still under license escape scrutiny. As a result, we all suffer the curse of
the Walkin Dead titles! Titles either overpriced or just unwanted,
they just barely make it to the first pressing run, usually with the help of a
little "back door dumping" for pennies on the dollar. After that, the catalog
listing stays "alive" because the publisher has the pipe dream that he might cash
in once more on a license already paid for.
For consumers, Walking Dead titles mean backorders that will never be
filled. For dealers, it's wasted time, money and ink on useless catalog listings,
not to mention tracking hopeless backorders and issuing refunds. Even worse, the
publisher may try to milk additional profits by reviving a Walking
Dead title as a higher priced "special edition". The result is either
dealers take a loss or consumers take the price hike on pending backorders.
To rid us of this curse, Starship has used it's sales and backoder history to
determine which titles are Walking Dead. Once confirmed they are
removed from our active catalog, and will only be listed at our Internet website for
reference. This will improve Starship's backorder service, and make for a more
realistic active catalog offering.