For those new to the laser video and audio medium, the language and terms used by experienced veterans can often be foreign and difficult to understand. Listed Below are some of the most commonly used terms, along with a description, definition, and explanation of each.
The Starship Industries Laser Disc Glossary was originally published in
Starship's August, 1985
Disc catalog. Since then, we've made additions and changes to bring the glossary
up to date. We
invite our readers to make suggestions for further additions, and corrections.
Please E-mail your
comments to:
What makes the "CX" system unique is it's ability to reduce noise while still
making it possible for
non-CX users to enjoy the recording with a minimum of side effects. This
compatibility comes from
not stressing any specific frequencies during encoding or decoding. The
compression process is
limited to the upper portion of the volume levels. While this gives non-CX users
a greater degree of
realism, it creates the one weakness in the system by requiring EXACTING
calibration of play back
expander circuits to match the compression levels. A mis-match will cause gain
adjustments where
they should not occur and the end result may be a "pumping" of the volume
*printer 27,87*DISH WARP
Dolby noise reduction refers to three different audio noise reduction systems
under patent by Dolby Labs. The use of the trade name "Dolby" does not,
however, guarantee that a given product displaying the name will contain an
audio noise reduction system. SEE: DOLBY SURROUND MATRIX
Also known as Dolby "MP" matrix, this is Dolby's trade mark for their system
of recording and decoding "Surround Sound Matrix" stereo. The use of the trade
name "Dolby" in this application does NOT in any way guarantee the presence of
an audio noise reduction system, although the Dolby standard does in theory
call for noise reduction to be used in the rear channel in the recording
process. The Dolby name also does not indicate any kind of general patent
ownership of the basic phase matrix process that makes surround sound
possible. To this end, any company can offer a decoder that provides accurate
channel separation without displaying the Dolby trade name on their product.
*printer 27,87*DROPOUTS
A "Dropout" is an interuption or unrecoverable loss of recorded information
for a specific period of time. Dropouts in laser video discs are caused by the
blocking of or physical damage to the recorded "pits" in the disc. A single
dropout will appear as a bright speckle in a dark frame, or as a black mark in
a light background. The number of Dropouts in a single frame is often called
the "dropout count". The specific time period for each given dropout can be
referred as the "dropout time constant" or "dropout frequency". The time
period of a dropout will dictate the horizontal width of the visible noise
spot. Together, the "dropout count" and "dropout time constant" values can be
used as truly objective standards for judging disc quality. Example: A good
quality disc should average no more than 5 dropouts per frame with an average
time constant no greater than that value which would produce 2 horizontal
lines of resolution, (about 1/8" width on a 25" TV screen).
Caused by an out of center spindle hole, eccentric tracking error can cause
skipping, "laser lock", and is usually accompanied by a loud rapping noise
coming from inside the player. Eccentric tracking error may also cause
crosstalk at beginning of the disc, particularly on solid state players.
*printer 27,87*FISH NET EFFECT
*printer 27,87*GRAIN
"Helicopter" audio noise is the continuous rapid bursting of noise caused by a
limited area of data loss or "dropouts" on the laser disc. The noise burst
effect is created when the "good" and "bad" areas of the disc alternate across
the laser pickup as the disc turns. The defect was named "helicopter" because
of its characteristic chopping sound. SEE: DROPOUTS
*printer 27,87*GLOSSARY GLOSSARY
*printer 27,87*LASER LOCK
This term refers to a laser disc defect that causes the player to "stick" or
"jam" on a single track or group of tracks. On a CAV format disc, the problem
will look almost like a perfect freeze frame, but with a loud howling sound
from both audio channels. On a CLV disc, the picture will jump or roll with
part of two or more frames repeating over and over again. In some cases, when
a group of tracks are involved, a short repeating sequence will be produced.
Laser Lock can be caused by flaws in the disc data and reflective coating, or
by finger prints, glue, or other opaque substance on the face of the disc.
Cleaning the disc will often cure the laser lock problem.
*printer 27,87*LASER ROT
The term "Laser Rot" was first coined by one of our customers who discovered
that a favorite disc which when new originally tested "good" was showing video
noise and dropouts upon playback at a later date. Over the past year, we have
received additional reported cases of disc deterioration, as well as confirmed
findings in the private collections owned by the folks here at Starship.
Needless to say, we were rather concerned to think that this product, which in
Pioneer's LD-700 brochure was touted to "last forever", could indeed suffer
short term loss of data while on the shelf. After much research, including
contacts with all three major manufacturers of laser discs in the United
States, we are happy to report that the manufacturing faults causing "laser
rot" have been found and most of the discs now on dealer's shelves should be
considered "safe". The exact cause of disc data loss seems to come from the
bonding agent used to hold the two sides of the disc together and how the
adhesive is applied. One source reported that timing was critical in pressing
the two sides of the disc together, while another indicated traces of sulfur
being found in the aluminum coating on a sample test case. The trick seems to
be to make a good bond without allowing the glue and its reactive curing
agents to break through the reflective layer of aluminum. Reported solutions
to "laser rot" include applying a thicker layer of aluminum, the use of less
reactive adhesives, and greater care in the assembly of the disc to keep the
amount of curing agents trapped between the two sides to a minimum. This
leaves only the problem of what to do with the limited number of potentially
defective discs already in the market and on consumer's shelves. While
Pioneer has recalled most inventories from each studio for quality checks,
there have not been any bulletins issued to date on how dealers are to respond
to consumer complaints. Most affected are customers who may believe they have
no recourse because of the published 10 day warranty in Pioneer's catalog.
Pioneer has indicated to us, however, that they will respond with replacement
or refund to a consumer who contacts the company directly with a defective
disc. To receive a return authorization from Pioneer, write or call: Pioneer
Video, Attn: Customer Service, 4880 Rosecrans Avenue, Hawthorne, Ca, 90250
Telephone: 213-679-8141 or 800-421-1404
*printer 27,87*LETTER BOX
A process by which wide screen motion pictures are transferred to the more
square shaped television screen. In "letter box", the video transfer camera
is adjusted to view the entire wide screen motion picture image. The result is
a television picture with solid bars across the top and bottom of the screen.
The solid bars give the image the look of being in a "letter box". While this
procedure discards some of the available video resolution, the original
framing and full content of the motion picture is presented without any
adjustments or changes to make it fit on the home television screen.
This kind of tracking error is produced when the player is unable to lock
into the encoded timing information on the disc. This can be caused by an
uneven or "nonlinear" track progression that exceeds the player's tracking
ability. In audio tape, this is the equilevent to flutter in the sound caused
by changes in the machine's transport speed. In laser video discs, linear
tracking error can produce bands of rainbow color bars across the picture. In
severe cases, color and sound may be lost entirely.
*printer 27,87*MONITOR
A special television set that allows connections directly to the video
*printer 27,87*GLOSSARY GLOSSARY
circuits so the operator can bypass the tuner's electronics when viewing laser
video discs, video tapes, or any other video source offering a direct video
output. Using direct video connections can improve picture quality and
resolution as compared with connections through the tuner. SEE: RESOLUTION
*printer 27,87*PAN & SCAN
A process by which wide screen motion pictures are transferred to the more
square shaped television screen. In "Pan & Scan", the video transfer camera
moves across the viewing field of the motion picture in an attempt to keep
pace with the activity in the scene. While some of the original film content
is lost to the television viewer, the process maintains a full viewing screen
without loss of available video resolution. SEE: ASPECT RATIO; LETTER BOX
*printer 27,87*RESOLUTION
The measurement of detail or clarity in a photographic or video image. In
video, resolution is measured by the number of times light and dark shades can
be produced across the face of the screen. Because all televisions in the
United States use 525 scan lines to produce a frame of video, the real
consideration in measuring video resolution is to observe just how many times
light and dark changes can be produced in EACH horizontal scan line. Such a
measurement is called "horizontal resolution". Broadcast television offers
between 330 and 370 lines of horizontal resolution, depending on the quality
of the receiver or tuner used. A Laser video signal fed directly into the
video inputs of a monitor can offer over 400 lines. Unfortunately, many laser
discs are recorded using master sources way below the 400 line potential of
the system. The result can be a picture that lacks detail or clarity.
Engineers can try to compensate for the loss of clarity by amplifying that
part of the video signal which contains the detail information. The result,
however, may also be an increase in background video noise, producing an image
that looks like it was transferred through a fish net. Photographic studios
use this same effect when making matte finish photographs. The grain of the
matte finish print tends to hide flaws, and give the illusion of greater
detail than really exists. The terms "fish net effect" and "matte finish
quality" are often used to describe laser video disc releases that were
produced from poor resolution masters. Although such discs may be considered
below the laser system's potential, they are not considered as individual
defects by the manufacturer or retailer, and may not be returned under
*printer 27,87*ROLLING NOISE BARS
This term refers to horizontal bands of video noise that travel (or roll) up
or down the screen when playing a CLV format disc. Usually, rolling noise
bars are accompanied by a rapid bursting of audio noise, and are caused by a
limited area of data loss or "dropouts" on the laser disc. In a CAV format
disc, the noise appears as stationary bands across the screen.
*printer 27,87*SAMPLING RATE
This term refers to digital recording techniques. The sampling rate is the
number of times per second the computer "looks" at the volume or amplitude of
the signal being recorded and assigns that specific "sample" a digital number.
This number (or byte) details the volume or amplitude of the signal at that
given instant in time. To be able to reassemble the original signal with
acceptable accuracy, the sampling rate must be at least twice the highest
frequency contained in the program signal being recorded. EXAMPLE: The
highest frequency in audio is 20,000 cycles per second. Most digital audio
recording systems operate with a sampling rate between 41,000 to 45,000
samples per second. SEE: BIT; BYTE
*printer 27,87*SNOW
Owned by CBS records as a trademark, "SQ" stands for Stereo Quadraphonic. The
"SQ" system uses a phase matrix to encode two rear channels onto the primary
front left and right channels. Rear channel information is mixed into the two
front channels with equal levels applied to both. Channel separation is
created by shifting the phase between the two signals applied to the primary
left and right tracks. One rear channel is shifted to lead by 90 degrees, the
other lags by 90 degrees. The net phase for a rear mono output is 180 degrees.
This makes SQ somewhat compatible with Surround Sound matrix used on motion
*printer 27,87*GLOSSARY GLOSSARY
pictures, with the only problem being the 90 degree angles putting some
information in the rear that really should not be there. When it comes to SQ
recordings, some still remain on the market, although there are not any plans
to offer new releases at this time.
The "Surround Sound Matrix" is a phase matrix system for encoding center front
and rear channels into a conventional 2 channel (left & right) medium.
Surround Sound's main use is in the mastering of multi-channel motion picture
sound tracks. The vast majority of all matrix audio releases available today
use the Surround Sound system. Surround Sound consists of a single rear
channel which is shifted 180 degrees and then mixed back onto the primary left
and right tracks with equal level to both. A fourth channel in the front
center can also be derived to help control the volume of the movie dialog in
relation to music and special effects. Depending on the manufacturer or
patent holder, a Surround Sound decoder may also include a delay line as well
as noise reduction on the rear channel. While these options may be desirable,
they are not required to produce accurate channel separation, and in some
cases may actually reduce the overall quality of the rear output signal.
Any kind of additional noise, distortion, or loss of image quality beyond what
was already contained in the original master film, tape, or live performance.
When applied to defining defective laser discs or equipment, video noise is
only that noise, distortion, or loss of image quality that can be found beyond
what is already contained in the original master tape or film. Example: A bad
film splice or scratch would NOT be considered a laser disc defect.
*printer 27,87*WARP, "POTATO CHIP"
Named for its classic "potato chip" shape, this kind of laser disc warp is
most often caused from poor storage that allows the disc to lean to one side
or another. The force of gravity causes the disc to sag across a single axis
through the center. When viewed on edge, it looks like someone tried to wrap
the disc around a large tree trunk. This kind of warp can create a real
tracking problem as the focusing lens must bob up and down twice for each turn
of the disc. For 1,800 RPM, this means 3,600 moves per minute! In most cases,
the player must rely on the quality and focusing ability of the laser light to
deal with this problem. This is one of the reasons why many of the older
"Discovision" CAV format discs will play on a tube player but will skip when
using the longer wavelength light of solid state players.
*printer 27,87*WARP, CONE
A "cone warp" or "dish warp" in a laser disc, when viewed on edge, exists when
the center of the disc is higher (or lower) than the outside rim. In a simple
cone warp, the given warpage curve measured from the center to the rim is the
disc is the same from any point around the outside rim. The result is tracking
error that is uniform for each turn of the disc. Any compensation required to
correct for the error can be made very slowly as the laser approaches the
increased warpage toward the outside rim of the disc. In all solid state
players, this is done by a separate "tilt servo" in the focusing system. In a
properly adjusted tube player, the shorter wave length of the tube laser light
(as compared to solid state lasers) will allow for up to 1/8" downward or
upward warp from the center before performance quality is affected. In most
cases, Cone warped laser discs can be "repaired" by applying gentle continuous
pressure to return the disc to a flat condition. One favorite method uses a
dinner plate and a soda bottle: Rest the disc on the plate so that the warp of
the disc is high at the center and low at the outside edge. With the lip of
the plate supporting the outside edge of the disc, place the soda bottle on
top of center hole to force the disc to curve back to the desired direction.
Allow to stand for a few days and the results should be permanent.
(Footnote: We recommend using a full 16 ounce container for the soda bottle.)
*printer 27,87*WARP, DOWNWARD
Warpage that causes the laser disc to curve closer to the focusing lens.
*printer 27,87*WARP, UPWARD
Warpage that causes the laser disc to curve away from the focusing lens.